初中英语作文 初中英语作文带翻译

更新时间:2023-09-02 00:10:11作者:佚名

初中英语作文 初中英语作文带翻译

1、Our school is a beautiful campus, as long as you walk into the campus, you will find the campus everywhere is full of green school every corner of the green trees, colorful flowers.

At the school gate in the flower beds, with a vibrant cycas, its branches and leaves like a giant comb, it is very naughty, just use it to comb my hair, comb will head wall.

Our classroom before and after the trees are green.A tall plane trees, thick leaves, trees under open flowers like a lamp; Are sending out the scent of camphor tree, all the year round bamboo have a tall and handsome. Whenever the breeze blowing, leaves, bamboo leaf outside the window vibrate, sasha vujacic ring was born, as if to say hello to my teachers and classmates. After class the students some play under the tree, some quietly rest under the tree and reading a book. We breathed the fresh air, fresh, very happy. There are so many green plants in our school. Jasmine on corridor, the playground of sunflower, even on the wall of a studio, also covered with green ivy. They are some high, some short,a variety of shapes and colors. While there are some I called out their names, but they are very lovely, is they brought fresh air to the students, they are to keep out sunshine, wind and rain, the students make us learn happily.

This is our campus,everywhere is full of green,we should take good care of it well,let the green never retreat.







本文标签: 初中英语作文  




2023-10-17 10:06

韊怎么念 欸怎么念

1、韊的拼音:[lán]2、部首:革3、笔画:294、五笔:AFAI5、解释:用皮革制的盛弩箭的袋子:“平原君负韊矢,为公子先引。”包容。6、组词:负韊。负韊是一个汉语词语,读音是fù lán,是指负籣。

2023-10-15 14:06



2023-10-15 14:04



2023-10-15 14:04


1、“拨冗”的读音为bō rǒng。2、“拨冗”的释义:于繁忙中抽出时间。3、“拨”,普通话读音为bō,“拨”的基本含义为用手指或棍棒等推动或挑动,如拨动、把钟拨准了;引申含义为分给,如拨发、拨款。在日常使用中,“拨”也

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雅人四好拼音怎么读(雅人四好拼音怎么读 视频)

1、雅人四好读音为 yǎ rén sì hào,其中好字与爱好的好字发音一致,为第四声。2、“雅人四好”是指:琴棋书画,即:弹琴、弈棋、写字、绘画,常以表示个人的文化素养。出自《北梦琐言》:“辩才俗姓袁氏,梁司空昂之玄孙

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