10月07日雅思大作文示范写作 | 公共场所是否应该禁用手机

更新时间:2023-10-09 18:34:06作者:无忧百科

10月07日雅思大作文示范写作 | 公共场所是否应该禁用手机

October 9, 2023

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Many people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. Do you agree or disagree? (2023/10/07)



As communication technologies like smart phones have penetrated intoevery nook and crannyof the society, people are becomingphubbersregardless of occasions ranging from travelling on a train to dining at a restaurant. Many people, therefore, claim that mobile phones should be banned in public places, with which I find myself in staunch disagreement .


❖ every nook and cranny 到处,每一个角落;

❖ phubber n.低头族;


Body 1

Those in favor of the sweeping reforms express their concern toward the noise mobiles may make in public places. The excessive noise from mobile phones, be it playing music or making phone calls, canirkothers and make people feelvexedor even irritable, therebyoccasioningunnecessary interpersonal collision. For example,in cinemas, acacophonyof voices from mobile phones will interfere with others, giving them an uncomfortable movie watching experience. In order to protect their own rights, audiences mayharshlyreprovesuchcheekybehaviors, thereby inducing intensesquabbles.



❖ irk vt.使烦恼;使厌倦;

❖ vexed adj.生气的,恼怒的;

❖ occasion v. 引起,惹起;

❖ cacophony n.刺耳的音调;

❖ harshly adv.严厉地;

❖ reprove vt.责骂;谴责;

❖cheeky adj.无耻的;厚脸皮的;

❖ squabbles n.小争吵,口角;


Body 2

Nevertheless, in spite of above-mentioned situations, it does not justify anutterprohibition of using cellphones in public. On the one hand, as apervasivemeans of entertainment, mobile phones can be used to add spice on the way back home while people are taking public transportation. Watching soap operas withgrippingplots on the subway, for instance, seems to be anoutletfor passengers to kill thehumdrumcommuting time as long as they wear earplugs without affecting others. On the other hand, as apivotalmeans of communication, using cellphones candefuseunanticipated crisis. If there is a fire emergency in a shopping mall, the onlookers in thevicinitycan use cellphones to call the police immediately, and extinguishers will be promptly sent to attack the fire, thus minimizing the damage and casualty.



(1) 作为一种无处不在的娱乐手段,手机可以在人们乘坐公共交通工具回家的路上增添情趣。

(2) 作为一种关键的通信手段,使用手机可以化解意想不到的危机。

❖ utter adj.完全的,彻底的;

❖ pervasive adj.弥漫的,遍布的;

❖ gripping adj.(电影、故事等)扣人心弦的,引人入胜的;

❖ outlet n.(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径;

❖ humdrum dj.单调的;无聊的;

❖ pivotal adj.中枢的,关键的;

❖ defuse vt.平息;

❖ vicinity n.周围地区,附近;



Torecapitulate, it is indeed disrespectful to use cellphones in cinemas or libraries, but it seems ludicrous to impose adraconianban on these portable devices in all the public places. The modern digital technology , as long as it is properlyharnessed, is still of greatavailin our life .


❖ recapitulate vi.概括;重述要点;

❖ draconian adj.严厉的,苛刻的;

❖ harnessed v.控制并利用;

❖ avail n.效用,利益
