10月28日雅思大作文示范写作 | 电子书是否可以取代纸质书

更新时间:2023-10-30 18:30:32作者:无忧百科

10月28日雅思大作文示范写作 | 电子书是否可以取代纸质书

October 30, 2023

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Some people think that printed books are no longer needed in a digital era as all writing can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books will still play an important role. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (2023/10/28)



With theunfetteredaccess to digital devices, be they mobiles or tablets, people can be informed about what is happening around the worldsimultaneously, whichtakes a toll onprinted books, magazines or even newspapers.


本次考题话题非常简单,没有难点限定信息等;可以先讨论双方,论述printed books 以及e-books 各自的优势,最后给出结论:printed books的重要性会逐渐下降,e-books以自己无可比拟的优势将会成为人们阅读的重要形式;


❖ unfettered adj.无拘无束的;

❖ simultaneously adv.同时地;

❖ take a toll on 对……产生不良影响;

Body 1

Granted, printed books, the most traditional means of reading, are still apivotalsource of gaining information for many people even in the digital era. To commence with, the senior not apt at using electronic gadgets are habituated toimbibingknowledge on printed books. Furthermore, portable as e-books are, the irreversible damage to the children’s eyesengenderedby too much exposure to electronic screens cannot bedownplayed. Accordingly, printed books, for the sake of children’s physical health, still have its irreplaceable merit in elementary education. Secondly, the printed books, withattentiveandrigorous proofreadingof professional scholars andpundits, can be reckoned as credible sources of news. Reading online, conversely, can be uploaded by almost everyone and may subject readers to imprecise information, thereby leading netizensastrayor even instilling them with twisted values.


1) 印刷书籍仍然是许多人(尤其是老人和孩子)获取信息的关键来源;

2) 印刷书籍经过专业学者和权威人士的细心和严谨的校对,更可靠;


❖ pivotal adj.中枢的,关键的;

❖ imbibe vt.吸收,接受;

❖ engender v.产生,引起;

❖ downplay v.对……轻描淡写;轻视;

❖ attentive adj.注意的,专心的;

❖ rigorous adj. 严格的,苛刻的;一丝不苟的;

❖ proofreading n..校对;

❖ pundit n.专家;博学者;

❖ astray adv.迷失,迷路;步入歧途;

Body 2

Nevertheless, e-books are prone to gain wider traction among people formultifacetedreasons. The principal one is that e-books allow people accessible toa pool ofinformation within seconds with the help of the Internet, which can aid us togarnerinformation more efficiently. Another keyboonof e-books is its real-time online interaction. For example, there has been aspikein the use of platforms like Twitter and YouTube where anyone can exchange their perspectives, thus helping us to think outside of the box and become more inclusive.


1) 电子书可以让人们更有效地获取信息;

2) 电子书能够进行实时在线互动;


❖ multifaceted adj.多层面的;

❖ a pool of 大量的;

❖ garner vt.获得;储存;

❖ boon n.裨益,优势;

❖ spike n.猛增,急升;


In conclusion, my assertion is that the e-books will soon bein voguedue to its environmental friendliness. The raw material of newspaper, generally acknowledged, is trees. If webecome attuned toreading online, the demand of papers willconspicuouslyslide, which diminishes the frequency of chopping down trees. Hence, forests can be conserved and then many tickling issues such as desertification can be lightened.



❖ in vogue 时兴的,流行的;

❖ become attuned to v.习惯于;使调和

❖ conspicuously adv.显著地,明显地;