写作 | 外刊:怎么写才地道(8)

更新时间:2023-10-23 22:34:24作者:无忧百科

写作 | 外刊:怎么写才地道(8)

这是 一直夫妇 的第 673 篇文章

本文 1228 字,预计阅读 5min



have important consequences

Though often derided as hopelessly idealistic, it had important consequences.



表示常见「产生重要影响」,你是不是脱口而出 have an important impact?很好。不过,是不是有点腻了?换个名词,立马化腐朽为神奇!那就是把 impact 换成 consequence。这个词在四六级、考研真题中出现的频率很高,意思是「结果;后果」,可以替换 result。

have important/serious consequences for sb/sth

如果想表示「造成严重后果」,同样可以用上这个名词,我们只需要把形容词再变一变,搭配 for,就成了另一个短语 have serious consequences for sb/sth。

This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.


或者,我们把 have 换成 lead to。比如,2021 年 6 月第二套的四级完形填空中有这样一句,其中划线处让我们选择的单词正是 consequence:

It can lead to very serious health consequences for individuals who become isolated and disconnected.



2022 年 12 月四级真题的作文主题是 the role of physical exercise in achieving success at college。我们在第三段下结论的时候就可以这样写:

To sum up, physical exercise has important consequences in keeping one's thinking and judgment skills as sharp as possible. Hence, people could be rewarded with success.



in aggregate

This has spared banks from having to realise losses that, in aggregate, ran to $620bn at the end of 2022—enough to wipe out nearly a third of equity capital in the banking system.

译文:这使得银行不必实现损失。这笔损失在 2022 年底总计达 6200 亿美元,足以抹去银行系统近三分之一的股权资本。

in aggregate

aggregate 这个词有三个词性。作名词时,它表示 a total number or amount made up of smaller amounts that are collected together「总数,合计」,所以 in aggregate 用来表示 added together as a total or single amount「总共;整体上」,有时可以替换 in total。这个短语比较正式,也可以写作 in the aggr egate 。

Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income.

只有在消费总额超过总收入的 7% 时才可免税。

第二,aggregate 还可以作形容词,表示「总计的,总数的」,所以「总产量的增长」为 an increase in the aggregate production。如果想表示「总成交量」,那就是 aggregate turnover。这个单词在外刊中使用频率较高,再来看个《经济学人》例句。

In the first half of the year, the S&P 500 shed 20.6% and an aggregate measure of the price of Treasuries lost 8.6%.

今年上半年,标普 500 指数下跌了 20.6%,而国债价格的一项综合指标下跌了 8.6%。


四六级、英语二考过图表作文,英语一可能也会考察图表作文。2022 年英二的大作文主题跟快递业务量变化有关,很适合用上我们新学的这个短语。但必须提醒大家,这个短语要用必须写对。

The number of express deliveries in aggregate across China increased from 51 billion to 83 billion from 2018 to 2020.

2018-2020 年间,全国快递业务总量从 510 亿件增加到 830 亿件。




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