
更新时间:2024-04-03 21:54:48作者:佚名


1. 用英语句子仿写

why don't you learn to sing English songs?1.why don't you go out for a walk?why don't you find out about it?2.Why don't you lend me your book?this kind of contes encourages people in china to speak English.3. This kind of fish enable the peasents in the village to feed them.Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speak English program?4.Have you ever reminded me of calling him come here?The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The students really came from all the schools and from all over the city。

2. 英语优美句子 写作文用

A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。

Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. Forrest Gump 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料. 阿甘正传 Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. (The Lion King We become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。 ---Gone with the wind《乱世佳人》。

3. 仿写英文句子

I have a kitty. 我有一只小猫咪

It is very funny. 它非常有趣

I always talk to it. 我常常对它说话

But it dosen't talk at all. 但是它从来不跟我说话。

I have a kitty. 我有一只小猫咪

It likes to play. 它喜欢玩耍

We go to garden. 我们去花园

Almost every afternoon. 几乎每个下午。

4. 仿写英语句子

He is a univesity student

Tom is a good boy.

The light is still on

The door is still open.

The match is exciting

The story is moving.

I helped the boy find his mother

The cat made the baby cry all day.

They want me to become a teacher

He need me to help the girl.

I made it a rule to read english in the morning

He made it possible to fly in the sky.

5. 用英语句子仿写

why don't you learn to sing English songs?1.why don't you go out for a walk?why don't you find out about it?2.Why don't you lend me your book?this kind of contes encourages people in china to speak English.3. This kind of fish enable the peasents in the village to feed them.Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speak English program?4.Have you ever reminded me of calling him come here?The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The students really came from all the schools and from all over the city.。

6. 一个英文句子仿写


I tried to speak in English when I talked to the English visitor.

We usually speak in Chinese or our home dialect when when speak to our family.

Our teacher always speaks formal Chinese when she teaches us in class.

My baby brother is learning to speak whatever language he can when he wants to yell at anyone.

I do hope I will be able to speak fluently English when I talk to you upon my graduation.



本文主要为您介绍英文优美句子和仿写,内容包括用英语句子仿写,英语优美句子写作文用,英语句子仿写。why dont you learn to sing English songs?1.why dont you go out for a

2024-04-03 21:54

心酸祝福句子说说心情 心酸祝福的句子


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