if i were a boy歌词 if i were a boy歌词是什么

更新时间:2023-05-16 03:39:20作者:未知

if i were a boy歌词 if i were a boy歌词是什么

1、if i were a boy歌词:

If I Were A Boy - Beyonce

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

Even just for a day

I'd roll outta bed in the morning

And throw on what I wanted then go

Drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls

I'd kick it with who I wated

And I'd never get confronted for it

Cause they'd stick up for me

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her

Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

Cause he's taken you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy

I could turn off my phone

Tell everyone it's broken

So they'd think that I was sleepin' alone

I'd put myself first

And make the rules as I go

Cause I know that she'd be faithful

Waitin' for me to come home (to come home)

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her

Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

Cause he's taken you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back

Say its just a mistake

Think I'd forgive you like that

If you thought I would wait for you

You thought wrong

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

If I were a boy

2、《If I Were A Boy》是邓紫棋在《我是歌手》第二季第五期演唱的歌曲,并获得第二名的成绩。

本文标签: ifiwereaboy歌词  


if i were a boy歌词 if i were a boy歌词是什么

1、if i were a boy歌词:If I Were A Boy - BeyonceIf I were a boyIf I were a boyIf I were a boyIf I were a boyIf I

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