苏喂苏喂是什么歌 苏喂苏喂歌词

更新时间:2024-05-08 20:27:39作者:佚名

苏喂苏喂是什么歌 苏喂苏喂歌词

1、《苏喂苏喂苏喂》是枫宇辰演唱的英语歌曲,收录在2016年11月19日发行的专辑《苏荷 Mash Up》中。该歌曲在网络中走红。


Telling the truth telling me lies

I cant handle it you gotta decide

Give me a hug give me a kiss

Theres no way back one time you started like this

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away dont wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away

Everybody in the club

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away dont wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away dont wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

When you touch my skin a beautiful sin

This magic eyes I can only give in

Now this is the truth just me and you

Therere so many things that I wanna do

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away dont wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Take me away

本文标签: 苏喂苏喂是什么歌  


苏喂苏喂是什么歌 苏喂苏喂歌词

1、《苏喂苏喂苏喂》是枫宇辰演唱的英语歌曲,收录在2016年11月19日发行的专辑《苏荷 Mash Up》中。该歌曲在网络中走红。2、歌曲歌词Telling the truth telling me liesI cant

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