激光雨歌词 激光雨歌词原文

更新时间:2024-05-20 17:31:28作者:佚名

激光雨歌词 激光雨歌词原文


Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Lets go! Bounce to the beat, people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Lets go! Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

And jump it, shake it rush the club!

Till the whole entire building is rammed up!

And there is nothing you could do to hold ‘em off!

And what a beautiful women be showing off!

We are about to cause a riot in this bi*ch!

Till we hearing the fire alarms going off!




Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Lets go! Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

And jump it, shake it rush the club!

Till the whole entire building is rammed up!

And there is nothing you could do to hold ‘em off!

And what a beautiful women be showing off!

We are about to cause a riot in this bi*ch!

Till we hearing the fire alarms going off!







Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Lets go! Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

Bounce to the beat people hands up!

Everybody in the place stand up!

And jump it shake it rush the club!

Till the whole entire building is rammed up!

And there is nothing you could do to hold ‘em off!

And what a beautiful women be showing off!

We are about to cause a riot in this bi*ch!

Till we hearing the fire alarms going off!



本文标签: 激光雨歌词  


激光雨歌词 激光雨歌词原文

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