sometimes歌词 这三个版本你都听过吗

更新时间:2023-05-21 10:39:19作者:未知

sometimes歌词 这三个版本你都听过吗


你说我们坠入了爱河 you tell me you're in love with me;

如你无法将视线从我身畔移开 like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me;

这不是我不想要的 it's not that i don't want to stay;

但是每当你闭上眼我就离开 but evertime you come to close i move away;

我要相信你说的每句话 i wanna believe in everything that you say;

因为那语调如此美丽 cause it sounds so good;

但如果你需要我 but if you really want me;

请慢慢睁开眼睛 move it slow;

我的事你都想要明白 there's things about me you'll just have to know;

有时我逃跑 sometimes i run;

有时我躲开 sometimes i hide;

有时我会惧怕你 sometimes i'm scared of you;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 but all i really want is to hold you tight;

述说你的甜蜜 treat you right;

和你日夜 be with you day and night;

宝贝 我需要的一切就是时间 baby all i need is time;

我不要那样的羞涩 i don't want to be so shy;


但每当我孤单的时候我会思考为什么 but everytime that i'm alone i wonder why;

我希望你会等着我 i hope that you will wait for me;

你应该知道你是我的唯一 you see that you're the only one for me;

我要相信你说的每句话 i wanna believe in everything that you say;

因为那语调如此美丽 cause it sounds so good;

但如果你需要我 but if you really want me;

请慢慢睁开眼睛 move it slow;

我的事你都想要明白 there's things about me you'll just have to know;

有时我逃跑 sometimes i run (sometimes);

有时我躲开 sometimes i hide;

有时我会惧怕你 sometimes i'm scared of you;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 but all i really want is to hold you tight;

述说你的甜蜜 treat you right;

和你日夜依偎 be with you day and night;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 all i really want is to hold you tight;

述说你的甜蜜 treat you right;

和你日夜依偎 be with you day and night;

宝贝我需要的一切就是时间 baby all i need is time;

只要低下头你就会看见 just hang around and you'll see;

没有人会比我更爱你 there's no one that i rather be;

如果你爱我 if you love me;

相信我 trust in me;

和我相信你一般 the way i trust in you;

oh yeah;

有时我逃跑 sometimes i run (sometimes);

有时我躲开 sometimes i hide;

有时我会惧怕你 sometimes i'm scared of you;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 but all i really want is to hold you tight;

紧紧相拥 (hold ya tight);

述说你的甜蜜 treat you right;

和你日夜依偎 be with you day and night (day and night);

有时我逃跑 sometimes i run (sometimes);

有时我躲开 sometimes i hide;

有时我会惧怕你 sometimes i'm scared of you;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 but all i really want is to hold you tight;

述说你的甜蜜 treat you right;

和你日夜依偎 be with you day and night (day and night);

真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 all i really want is to hold you tight;

和你日夜依偎 be with you day and night;

有时我逃跑 sometimes i run (sometimes);

有时我躲开 sometimes i hide;

有时我会惧怕你 sometimes i'm scared of you;

但我真正所需的一切就是和你紧紧相拥 but i really want is to hold you tight。







不能 永远停靠在港口;

No I don't care;











No 突然消失的港口;

No 晴天被风雨卷走;

四面封闭 找不到窗口;


记忆总试图拖着我走 I said no no no;

孤独终点会是自由 I said no no no;

徘徊的瞬间 感受我存在的强烈;

Sometimes sometimes sometimes;






不能 永远停靠在港口;

No I don't care;











no 突然消失的港口;

no 晴天被风雨卷走;

四面封闭 找不到窗口;


记忆总试图拖着我走 I said no no no;

孤独终点会是自由 I said no no no;

徘徊的瞬间 感受我存在的强烈;

Sometimes sometimes sometimes;

记忆总试图拖着我走 I said no no no;

孤独终点会是自由 I said no no no;

徘徊的瞬间 感受我存在的强烈;

Sometimes sometimes sometimes;

I love you;

So I'll let you go;

I need you;

Where should I go;

I love you;

So I'll let you go;

I love you;

I loved you;

So I gotta go;

阳光的附点只聚焦昨天 you should know;

时间终会让你接受 you should know;

黑白的存在 感受五彩的绚烂;

Sometimes sometimes sometimes;


3、Sometimes M2M版歌词:

The rain's pouring down;

And you wish you could find;

A deep hole in the ground;

Aunt red knocks on your door;

And it feels like you're crawling all over the floor;

And your boyfriend says;

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?;


Sometimes you just feel like;

The tight pants that you have don't fit;

Sometimes guys just make you sick;

And you're looking for something to kick;

You feel so lost in this pretty world;

That's how it sometimes feels to be a girl;

Your brother always has to complain;

He don't understand;

He think he's a real man;

My favorite TV show is starting soon;

Up with the ice cream and a spoon;

Think positive my father says;

It's a wonderful soccer game today!;

Sympathy can be OK;

But not when I feel horrible like。

本文标签: sometimes歌词  


sometimes歌词 这三个版本你都听过吗

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