12月30日雅思大作文示范写作 | 志向远大是否成就个人成功

更新时间:2024-01-02 20:31:02作者:无忧百科

12月30日雅思大作文示范写作 | 志向远大是否成就个人成功

January 2, 2024

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Ambition is a positive quality for people to have in many societies today. How important is it for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?




Although opinion has long been divided over whatattributes pave the way forpersonal success, it isa shared wisdomthat determination seems toeclipseimportance of other personal traits that cultivate success in life.



❖ attributes 特质

❖ pave the way for 为某事打下地基

❖ a shared wisdom普遍的认知

❖ eclipse 使某事黯然失色v.

Body 1

One’scravingforattainments and accomplishmentsin life mayvarylargely depending on one’sstatus quo, innate drives andshifting landscapesof social-economic development, butuniversalstriving may include being healthy, safe, fulfilled, happy and loved. Apparently, the aforementioned endeavors are neversure successyielded by constant efforts. In time ofstagnationand frustration, ambitious people could be moreresilienttobounce back, because they value failures as a learning experience. Furthermore, a boosted willpower facilitates thealignmentof an individual's behaviors with long-term objectives, such as letting go bad habits or making breakthroughs in scientific fields. In other words, being loosely determinedpresumably enticesone towardshaphazard temptationsthat ultimatelystalltheir personal progress.



❖ craving 渴望n.

❖ attainments and accomplishments 成就n.

❖ vary 不同v.

❖ status quo 现状

❖ shifting landscapes 变化的情况

❖ universal 普遍的

❖ sure success 既定的成功

❖ stagnation 停滞

❖ resilient 对困境有承受力的 adj.

❖ bounce back 重新振作

❖ alignment 协调/一致n.

❖ presumably 大概 adv.

❖ Entice 引诱

❖ haphazard temptations 随机的诱惑

❖ stall 阻碍v.

Body 2

Nevertheless, excessivefixationon end goals is an evilcurse;problematic consequencesare generally twofold. Firstly, it relates tostubbornness. For instance, if overwhelmingly stubborn entrepreneurs madefeebleefforts tounwindoutdated labor-intensive managementparadigmsthat had alreadyoutlived their usefulnesswhenbot-aidedeconomy prevailed,defending the old turfsimply puts one’s endeavor in reverse gear. Secondly, it relates toperverse incentives. A goal of making one’s first million at age of 30, for example, may drive one toturn a blind eye tospending quality time with loved ones, not to mention concerning employees’ mental well-being. But according toa rule of thumb, relationships and community connection are betterpredictorsfor long-term success and wellbeing.



❖ fixation 专注n.

❖ curse 诅咒

❖ problematic consequences 不良后果

❖ stubbornness 固执 n.

❖ feeble 微弱的adj.

❖ unwind 解除 v.

❖ paradigm 模式

❖ outlived their usefulness 失去使用价值

❖ bot-aided 机器人辅助的

❖ defending the old turf 捍卫旧领域

❖ reverse gear 倒档

❖ perverse incentives 反向激励

❖ turn a blind eye to 对某事视而不见

❖ a rule of thumb 经验法则

❖ predictors 预测因素


To conclude,intrinsic eagernessmay be a possiblerecipefor success, while it would be apure fallacytodownplayits potential risks.



❖ intrinsic eagerness 内在的渴望

❖ recipe 秘诀

❖ pure fallacy 纯粹的谬论

❖ downplay 低估

本文标签: 雅思考试  志向远大  雅思大作文