
更新时间:2024-03-16 10:51:29作者:无忧百科


The French flag is known as the tricolour or the drapeau tricolore in French. It is made up of three vertical stripes of equal width. The colours of the stripes are blue, white, and red. The blue stripe represents freedom, the white stripe represents equality, and the red stripe represents fraternity.

The French flag is often used in clothing, especially during national holidays or events. French flag clothing can include t-shirts, hats, scarves, and even dresses. It is also common to see people wearing French flag colours in their outfits, such as a blue shirt, white pants, and red shoes.

One of the most famous uses of French flag clothing is during the Tour de France cycling race. Many fans wear the French flag colours and wave flags to cheer on the cyclists as they race through France.

Overall, wearing French flag clothing is a way to show pride and support for France and its values of freedom, equality, and fraternity.

本文标签: 法国  国旗  



The French flag is known as the tricolour or the drapeau tricolore in French. It is made up of three vertical

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