
更新时间:2024-02-24 04:01:07作者:无忧百科


I'm your Lucky Strike

Taking all your hits tonight

Lay your head down on my lap

Let me soothe you with my light

You're my favorite vice

I swear it feels so nice

Watch me as I curl and twist

Burning like a hot ember kiss

Inhale, exhale

Let me fill your lungs with my spell

Deep breaths, let it go

Forget all your worries and woes

You're addicted to the way I feel

The smoke and the taste is unreal

With me, you find a sense of calm

A momentary escape from the storm

I'm your Lucky Strike

Taste me once and I'm all you'll like

In this moment, it's just you and me

Let me help you forget and be free

Inhale, exhale

Let me fill your lungs with my spell

Deep breaths, let it go

Forget all your worries and woes

I'm your Lucky Strike

Taking all your hits tonight

Lay your head down on my lap

Let me soothe you with my light

本文标签: 歌词  luckystrike  



I'm your Lucky Strike Taking all your hits tonight Lay your head down on my lap Let me soothe you with my l

2024-02-24 04:01



2024-02-24 04:01



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